April 24, 2020
Our PTA, like so many organizations, has moved entirely online for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. We wanted to update our members on some of the steps we’ve taken over the last month, as well as to update you all on our plans for future meetings, programs and planning for next year.
On April 14th, our PTA Board held it’s first online board meeting. During this meeting, we discussed ways in which we can still implement teacher and staff appreciation efforts and how to distribute yearbooks at the end of the year (more info below). We also made PTA funds previously budgeted for spring programs and events, available to Principal Nixon in the event the school needs additional money to help with Covid-19 related efforts or supplies. We also added an additional May board meeting to the calendar (info below). It was great to see so many of our PTA members participate in our first ever online board meeting!
We would also love to hear suggestions from PTA members on ways our PTA can best help our school and community during this time.
Our next virtual PTA Board meeting will be held via Zoom on May 5th at 6:30pm. As a reminder, any PTA member can attend the board meetings! If you are interested in joining us, email the PTA President at northwoodspta.pres@gmail.com for details and access to the Zoom link.
At this meeting we will be discussing plans for the remainder of the school year, begin forming a budget and plan for next year, and will be setting a date and time for our PTA general meeting and election. NCPTA recently approved emergency amendments to local PTA bylaws, allowing us to now hold our general meeting and elections online. At our May meeting, the board will be discussing and voting on the best way to implement the general meeting and how to hold elections virtually. Once we have set a plan and date, we will share this update with PTA members.
Our Nominating Committee is still looking for volunteers for next year! It’s likely that the 2020-21 school year will be very different than years past, with continued social distancing practices in place and changes to how we normally do things as a PTA. We expect that some of the events and programs we are normally able to offer, will be cancelled or modified in some way…but there may also be new opportunities and ways our PTA can support Northwoods!
Our most pressing volunteer need for next year are the leadership positions of President and Vice President. With a unique year ahead for us, this is a great opportunity for new and creative ideas! There will be a need to find additional ways to reach and support our students, school and community, with an emphasis on the advocacy work that is at the core of our PTA mission – “…to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.”
If you are interested in helping guide our PTA for the 2020-21 school year, please contact our nominating committee at northwoodsnominations@gmail.com or join us for our next online PTA board meeting on May 5th.
Our PTA volunteers have been hard at work finishing up the 2019-20 Yearbook! We are discussing plans with the school on the safest way to distribute yearbooks and to sell any additional copies.
Additional information will soon be available for those who didn’t pre-order a yearbook. And stay tuned for an email/Facebook update about pick-up times and procedures as we work with Principal Nixon on the details.
NCPTA and the National PTA both maintain Covid-19 related pages, with a list of resources for parents. In addition, NCPTA frequently sends out Advocacy Alerts to inform PTA members of ways they can make their voice heard with elected officials.
There is currently an action alert from NCPTA asking for the NC House of Representatives to include additional funding for school nutrition services in the COVID-19 Recovery Act. Details for this can he found here – https://www.votervoice.net/NCPTA/campaigns/73716/respond
We hope to see everyone in person at the start of next year! In the meantime, stay safe and THANK YOU to all of our PTA members for their continued support of Northwoods and our community!