Dear Northwoods Families,
Welcome families old and new! Â I sincerely hope that everyone had a wonderful summer and enjoyed some rest, relaxation, and quality family time.Â
The beginning of a new school year is such an exciting time. I remember as a child getting all excited the night before the first day of school, today I look forward to the new school year with much the same anticipation. As your new PTA president I look forward to meeting and getting to know all of you. Northwoods has become like a second home to me. I have personally made new friends and watched with awe as my children and yours have grown over the past 3 years. This year we will once again see a new group of kindergartners enter and grow in so many ways. Â We will also watch a new group of fifth graders move on to middle school with tears in our eyes and pride in our hearts. Â We are so proud of the accomplishments that our children make each and every day here at Northwoods.
It is important to us that we involve all parents and parent figures. Your first opportunity to show your support will be to become a member of the Northwoods PTA.  Everyone’s involvement is necessary for the success of the school and to help us to give your children the best that we have to give. Your membership enables us to provide every child with cultural arts programs, the book fair, the Spanish club, the Accelerated Reader program, and so much more.  Your membership in the PTA sends your children the message that they are important to you and that you want to become a part of their school world. Â
The second way to show your support will be to participate in the numerous events and programs that we have planned throughout the year. Â Your participation might be as a committee member, volunteer, or simply as an attendee. Whatever level of participation you can contribute, your time and involvement will be appreciated.Â
Finally, you can follow us on Facebook at Northwoods Elementary PTA or  for the most current news and updates. Of course if you ever have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact me or any other PTA boardmember.Â
Crystal Hartzell, PTA President 2014–2015